The 30k, 60k, and 90K mileage markers serve as good reminders for ideal routine 30/60/90K scheduled maintenance on your vehicle. Kwik Kar handles these and other auto repair services to keep your vehicle running smoothly for years to come.

Maintenance Services
- Premier 50 pt. safety service
- Drain & renew engine oil & oil filter
- Replace spark plugs (platinum plugs due at 90K - additional charge)
- Replace fuel filter
- Replace air filter
- Replace A/C cabin filter
- Replace serpentine/drive belts
- Replace PCV valve
- Replace wiper blades
- Flush radiator/cooling system
- Flush transmission fluid
- Flush brake fluid
- Flush fuel injection system
- Flush power steering system
- Flush engine system
- Check, clean & adjust brakes (replace if needed)
- Rotate tires & adjust air pressure
- Computer balance all four wheels
- Service & check battery
- Top off all fluid levels
- Check A/C & heater operation
- Lubricate suspension, ball joints & grease points
- Reset service maintenance light
Inspection Items
- PCV, emission system
- Coolant protection & pH
- Air breather & filter
- All hoses
- Check engine fan operation
- Check clutch (adjust/replace if needed)
- Suspension & steering components
- Exhaust system
- Brake lines, brake master cylinder & hoses
- Suspension alignment & tire wear
- Engine/transmission mounts
- Timing belt
- Distributor cap & rotor
- Ignition wires
- CV joints & boots